Our Website

Technical Information

Our website is optimized for the latest versions of Safari, Chrome, and Firefox browsers, ensuring optimal performance and functionality. While it should work well with other modern browsers, users of older versions of Internet Explorer or Edge may encounter issues viewing content. We recommend updating your browser for the best experience.

Copyright and Licensing

All content on our website, excluding courses, is available free of charge. However, it is protected by copyright and licensed under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. This allows for fair use while maintaining intellectual property rights.

Cookie Policy

Our website uses cookies. For detailed information about our data handling practices, please refer to our privacy policy.

Community Guidelines

We’ve designed this platform to foster professional and personal development. Registered users can actively participate in our online community, exchanging information and engaging in discussions. We encourage respectful interaction and ask users to report any offensive comments to our administrators. Please note that improper conduct, such as spamming or posting offensive comments, may result in account termination.


All content on our website has been either created or thoroughly reviewed by mental health experts, adhering to the ethical and professional standards set by the American Psychological Association and the Norwegian Psychological Association. However, it’s important to understand that the content often represents specific approaches or opinions and should not be considered as universal norms or rules. For alternative perspectives, we recommend consulting other sources.

Course Usage

Our courses are designed to be used either as standalone self-help programs or as complementary resources to ongoing treatments. However, they are not intended to replace professional mental health care where it is indicated. If you are experiencing or suspect you may have symptoms of a psychiatric disorder, we strongly advise consulting your general practitioner for guidance.